Real Talk: Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue.  If you work in healthcare, chances are, you have experienced this reality. It’s prevalent, misunderstood, and disheartening. Quite frankly, it’s a very lonely place to be. If you are constantly helping others, especially on the worst days of their lives, you could easily find yourself drowning in Empathic Distress. In addition, staffing shortages, high census, increased patient…

How Do I Do This?

This question has been heavy on my heart lately. How do I do this? How do I glorify God at work? Am I qualified to take on such a task? Real talk… sometimes I get frustrated and negative at work. Sometimes I participate in gossip. Sometimes patients ask so much of me that I shake…

How Did I Get Here?

“Life can only be understood by looking backward; but it must be lived looking forward” — Soren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) Looking back, there were several things that lead me to Radiologic Technology, and eventually Radiation Therapy. I can’t say that I felt called by God, but I do know that I was unhappy in the place…

A Song & A Calling

I heard a song recently that changed everything for me.  Sometimes God reaches us in the simplest of ways.  The song is called “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle.  When I heard it at work, I knew immediately that something shifted inside me.  I felt the prayers of my parents.  I felt God’s presence.  I felt peace….

The Right Decision

“Life’s not about expecting, hoping, and wishing; it’s about doing, being, and becoming.” -Mike Dooley As I begin this new season of my career as a Locum Radiation Therapist, I can’t help but look back. It’s been sixteen years since I graduated from Washburn University.  I’ve had three staff radiation therapist positions during my career,…

a Radiation Therapist: during Covid-19

I haven’t posted in awhile… for a few reasons.  Mostly, life.  Over the last couple months, I have relocated and am part of a new Radiation team.  Also, my last post was wildly loved, beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of… and I’m so grateful, but kind of intimidated. That being said, I only…

a Radiation Therapist…

I am a Radiation Therapist. My profession doesn’t define me, but it does say a lot about me.  It tells a story about who I am. As a retired Radiation Therapist’s daughter, I saw through my dad who I wanted to be.  I saw him coming home late because a patient needed extra care.  I…

Adventures Await.

Adulting is overwhelming, am I right? The responsibilities are endless.  Literally.  You work to feed and clothe and shelter your loved ones.  You grocery shop and clean the bathrooms.  You fold clothes and meal prep for lunches.  You scoop litter and change the oil in the vehicles.  You go to ball games and help with…


I’ve been thinking a lot about identity this year.  Maybe it’s because I turned 40.  Maybe it’s because I always feel like I’m searching.  Maybe it’s low self confidence or anxiety.  Maybe it is just that season of my life.  I can’t really put my finger on it, but it’s been on my mind a…

Here I am.

So here I am.  An Onekama rock glass with a bit of Iron Fish bourbon sitting in front of me.  My Kane Brown playlist playing in the background.  Oliver the cat trying to get my attention.  My new, beautiful journal sitting beside me.  Here I am. I got on here the other day with the…